12/21 Dialogue with Students


Co-Constructor of knowledge

Learn from each other and that different perspectives exist

Shared Experiences: Help kids to connect and lend their lives to others and diff cultures

Museums have to become part of the art education  

If you are researching, one-on-one is best

Tell stories (Marion Richardson) 

Bank Street Luis Lorde  

Dewey - teach through discourse and dialogue


- How do we engage students independently in a group setting? 

- Children's transitional dialogues that start to morph because they are noticing more or making connections, how can I be sure to capture those thoughts?

- How do we navigate challenging conversations in the art room?


Start with authentic questioning: 

What would you like to tell me about this...

Who do you think this is?

What kind of special place this is?


Introduce conventional/important information, and do it in a way that fits and builds on their narrative. Never take their narrative away. 

*Acknowledge and confirm* when you are responding

You are constructing the knowledge with them! 

Create a transitional space where you all move together. Listen, show respect, and continue their stream of thinking. 


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