12/7 Lesson Planning
The Art of Planning Lessons
Not solely mechanical, but "an art" that results in an outcome
Underline Principles - each section has a rationale
Each step in planning should be based on the developmental needs and own teaching situation
Constructive and degenerative learning - juggle
Flexible and creative
"Ideas must be juggled, re-imagined, and ...into new situations"
Sequenced Learning - one step in a series of steps
Goals- aligned
Good lessons must be challenging and support a variety of learning levels
Good lessons build onto each other and use prior knowledge
4 Segments
-Verbal Motivation/What will the Teacher Say
Materials are essential to the process of the art-making and engagement that you are challenging with the children.
How do you want the children to react to the voice of the material? What kind of voice is it?
Youngsters have to be as challenged and committed to the process as with the final product.
Is the choice of product appropriate?
To what learning to where the product will leave?
Is the lead to the product the BEST WAY for the valuable things learned in the process?
Does the product pave the
Ask students to gather a variety of materials - materials you could find around the house
- wires, clothe, pieces of stuff
- scavenger hunt around the house, garden, street, etc..
Drawing materials lesson
-coffee grounds
-draw with a stick, different types of drawing tools
-talk about the differences between using a variety of diff materials
"What this allows me to do is..."
Use of different kinds of paper
-bubbly paper, thick, cardboard, tissue
Building sculptures out of sticks
-gather a variety of binding options
Expresses the purpose and determines the content for the motivation dialogue
Alternative Issues/ Opportunities
Launch children in learning
Inviting them to find their own objectives and interests, ideas
*Focused and Fundamental*
"the Focused and Fundamental objectives offered here begin with a basic statement followed by suggestions for revisiting the learning at different grade or developmental levels as children's interests and abilities change."
Motivation Dialogue
"A thoughtfully reflective approach to planning instruction frees teachers to be creative and open in their responses and, while not losing sight of their vision for pupil learning, opens them to the constant and exciting challenge of always construction that vision anew."
Get children to think about the overall
How does the material help them to give shape to their ideas?
Teachers are to help children to ultimately internalize their learning and make them aware of their own reflective abilities.
Encourage children to explore and relate their ideas
Recap - synthesis/pause
Address their issues
Challenge their imaginations
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